College: College of Science |
Department: Mathematics |
Dates: 19-MAY-25 to 09-AUG-25 |
Course: MATH 690 002 | Course Title: Graduate Internship | CRN: 41425 |
Instructor: Griva, Igor | Grad | Credits: 1 |
INT | Instruction: 100% Online (Asynchronous) | Campus: NE |
Limit: 10 | Enrolled: 0 | Status: Open |
Waitlist: 0 | Prerequisites: Prereq: A grade of 'B' or better in four core courses (including MATH 675), and permission of the internship coordinator. | |
Section Notes: MATH 690-002 is an online asynchronous section. Please contact Igor Griva ( for permission to register via Patriot Web. |