Members of Mason’s Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program have developed and released a series of professional development videos for teachers of writing in all disciplines. These videos are provided below. For more information, please visit

P.A.R.C. Initiative

The P.A.R.C. Initiative is a collaborative project coordinated by Mason’s Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program, Office of Students as Scholars (OSCAR), and faculty from Communications, English, and University Libraries. This video highlights Purpose, Audience, Resources, and Conventions as key terms and concepts that offer an interdisciplinary approach for those who teach writing, speaking, and research.

The P.A.R.C. model is an interdisciplinary tool that is helpful for guiding assignment design and conversations with students at all levels. Video courtesy of Michelle LaFrance.

Reverse Course Design

Based on a presentation by Dr. Melissa Broeckelman-Post, this learning module illustrates a methodology for course design and focuses on how to create assignments and assessments. Through reverse course design, faculty are able to link assignments back to original course goals and outcomes, creating a focused and connected course.

Reverse course design allows you to unify course content and connect each assignment to desired learning outcomes. Video created by Melissa Broeckleman-Post, Caitlin Dungan, and Michelle LaFrance.

Commenting Strategies

This learning module offers time-saving strategies and best practices for providing feedback on student work. Examples illustrated in this video include encouraging students to practice using casual language, avoiding overcorrecting, utilizing peer review, and ensuring adequate revision time between assignments.

This video describes various feedback strategies that can save faculty time when assessing student writing. Video created by Caitlin Dungan and Caitlin Holmes.

Sticky Note Assignment

This module details a highly adaptable assignment that can be used in any classroom to foster thoughtful class discussion. The anonymity of a sticky note assignment allows students to speak freely and may lead to interesting revelations. Step-by-step instructions are modeled through a mock version of the assignment in action.

Sticky note assignments can help students to articulate awareness of writing practices through a combination of independent writing, small group discussion, and class discussion. Video created by Caitlin Dungan and Caitlin Holmes.

The One Minute Paper

A low-stakes reflection exercise created by Dr. Thomas Sura of West Virginia University, the one minute paper is a quick and simple way to increase student engagement, assess pedagogy, and provide evidence of exceptional teaching. Students are able to reflect on their own writing practices and pay closer attention to course content.

The one minute paper is a quick and simple in-class reflection exercise that requires only two materials,
an index card and a pen. Video created by Caitlin Dungan and Caitlin Holmes.

Read-Around Groups

A class exercise that introduces peer revision in a new way, read-around groups allow students to articulate elements of good writing. Having students bring work to class in stages is helpful for helping students to develop as writers.

An in-class exercise that increases the volume and speed of peer review, read-around groups help students recognize and articulate elements of good writing. Video created by Caitlin Dungan and Caitlin Holmes